A Center of Academic Excellence


Our Lady of Port Richmond Regional Catholic School strictly adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia's Office of Catholic Education, and each and every element of a high-quality Catholic education is delivered by a degreed and qualified educator.  In addition, the Office of Catholic Education sets specific standards for what they define as "Quality Catholic Schools".  Under the education umbrella, these standards call for the following:

  • The mission statement and the goals of the school must be clearly stated and consistent with the mission statement of their parishes and with the mission statement of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
  • The school must follow all educational policies and procedures and curriculum guidelines established by and available through the Office of Catholic Education.
  • Separate classrooms should exist for each grade level within the school.
  • The school should be accredited by the Middle States Commission on Elementary Schools.
  •  The school must implement the standards that have been established by the Office of Catholic Education for each academic discipline (Religion, Mathematics, Honors Math, Integrated Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, Physical Education and Technology) and for the use and integration of Technology throughout the content areas.
  • Serious consideration should also be given to the inclusion of World Languages, as well as the addition of a Resource Room to provide support to students who are struggling.

Our Lady of Port Richmond Regional Catholic School provides 100% of the elements outlined above, and more.  Some additional offerings include:

  • Blueprint for Early Literacy (CLI) in Pre-K and Kindergarten - a nationally-acclaimed program which emphasizes literacy development through reading, writing and oral language development
  • TECH Kids individual student Chromebook Program in Grades 3 to 8
  • TECH Kids, Jr. iPad Program in Grades Pre-K 3 to 2
  • Advanced technology hardware and software in all classrooms
  • A fully-equipped science lab 
  • A fully-equipped engineering lab
  • A full-sized gym for physical education
  • A full computer lab for computer-based training and education with a dedicated technology teacher
  • A music program with a dedicated music teacher
  • An art studio with a dedicated art teacher
  • An honors math program
  • Resource Rooms
  • A foreign language program (Spanish)
  • A school chapel
  • And more...